Green IT

Green IT: A Sustainable Approach to App Development

8 principles of Green IT applied to App Development

Baptiste Montagliani
The Startup
Published in
8 min readMay 10, 2020


With climate change and global warming among others environment challenges in the 21st century, Green IT is becoming a more and more important approach. Here are 8 Core Principles to make your Apps greener.

But first, what’s Green IT?

Also called ICT sustainability, Green IT is the study and practice of environmentally sustainable computing and IT. The goals of this approach are similar to the one used in chemistry (Green Chemistry), which consists of reducing use of hazardous materials, maximizing energy efficiency and recyclability.

Green IT is as much important is large-scale data centers as it is in corporate IT environment or product & services design and software engineering.

This green approach in IT fields was mostly initiated in 1992, with the launch of the Energy Star label by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

IT is a major contributor to these environmental challenges, but it is also representing a solution to them.

Integrating Green IT as a core element of the App Development has a lot of benefits, not only for the environment, but also for the…

