Early morning sunrise in Paris, 18 December 2018. Image credit: Leona Caanen.

Growth is a Continuous Cycle

Reinventing myself after university.


University seems to be the three or four years in which you can experiment with who you want to be without too many serious repercussions. You can try all the things you never could or had time for during highschool.

So, after graduating university last May, I assumed I knew who I was and what would be next for me. That I had tried everything I wanted to and had become a wholesome individual. Except I wasn’t. I didn’t know who I was. Not at all.

I only knew who I wasn’t. Not that that’s a bad thing. It helps, too, in creating the person I do want to be, or am becoming. But I was still left not knowing exactly. I was on my way but not quite there yet.

I assumed I knew who I was and what would be next.

So I took the opportunity to travel a bit with my boyfriend and after that I moved back home. I now have my mom as my roommate. It’s awesome (mainly because my mom is super cool and a lovely human).

Soon after moving in with my mom a family acquaintance called and mentioned that she needed someone to help with a few projects. The work would include research, reading, and writing. Three things I had excelled at throughout university. She warned that it wouldn’t pay much, but the…



Leona Françoise Caanen
The Startup

2x published author. World-traveller. 25 year-old, living in Amsterdam. Love connecting with new people & sharing stories about life.