Handle Stakeholder Demands as a Business Leader

Communicate and work together, not against each other.

Ivona Hirschi
The Startup


Photo by cottonbro studio

Communication with your coworkers and teams is one thing. The second is communication with other stakeholders.

Every business leader, manager, project executive, etc., has to deal with demands from multiple sources. Typically, you have to answer clients and keep them happy. You regularly check your suppliers do the job you agreed on. You report to associations.

That is a lot of competing demands. Can you handle them all?

Map out key stakeholders.

Name quickly your stakeholders. Who are they?

You can’t manage stakeholders without knowing who they are. Every team has it different. Every project brings a new set of people you need to work with.

Be a good housekeeper and map all key stakeholders out.

  • Who are they?
  • Who are the key contacts?
  • How are they organized and connected?

It is much easier to see them all together. Thanks to that, you will be able to identify communication cadence, styles, problems, conflicts, and other requirements.

Stakeholder maps are super handy for…

