Have a Business Idea? Here are the Next Steps

How to Refine and Validate your Business Idea

Liz Huber
The Startup


Business ideas are great. They make us feel like we are onto something.

Something big.

Our adrenaline spikes and we want to get started right away.

But what does “getting started” even mean? Printing your business card? Making a website? Hiring a co-founder? Incorporate the business?

Not exactly.

Here are the exact steps you should take to refine and validate your idea before you do any of these things!

Step 0: Get clear on WHY you Want to Start a Business

Starting a business is on the bucket list of almost anyone I know that has previously worked for other startups. It just seems like the logical next step. The end destination. The ultimate goal.

But it’s not. At least not for everyone!

Before you do anything else, get crystal clear about your reasons, intentions, and motivations behind starting a company. Why do you really want to start a business? Are your reasons strong enough to endure hardships and compelling enough to survive a major drop in quality of life in other areas? Will these reasons still be there when you have…

