Here Is How These 5 Side Projects Became Unicorn Startups

From Groupon to Craiglist, here are some case studies and key takeaways

Richard Fang
The Startup


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

There is no doubt that the amount of side projects in recent years have increased.

Although pitching ideas for funding to angels is still a viable way to launch a startup, bootstrapping is often the way to go for early stage ventures.

We’ve seen a shift in how startups are launched, and many founders have been able to get their business running without needing to go full-time initially or with capital raised.

Of course, with the influx of no-code tools like Airtable and Webflow, we are in a fortunate position to be able to create quick MVPs and products without investing thousands into a developer.

In this article, we explore some startups that started as a side project and have eventually landed themselves in the unicorn club.

1. Craigslist

Source: Still looks the same today

Everyone knows Craigslist. But many might not know the origins.

