Here’s How AI Will Completely Disrupt the $4.85 Trillion Finance Industry in the Next 5 Years

There’s so much potential for AI than just writing.

Desiree Peralta
The Startup


Photo by Airam Dato-on

When I think about AI, I automatically think of a good question answerer, a tool to program software faster, a way to write content and an entertainment source.

However, artificial intelligence is more powerful than that. All the things that it can do now (which are already good enough to improve many areas with its efficiency) are just the beginning of all the specialties it will be capable of doing.

In a Twitter thread, Luis Marinelli talked about all the potential that AI will have in the next five years in the $4.8 trillion finance industry. Here, I will summarize his facts and give my Engineer's point of view on every subtopic.

1. AI will reduce identity fraud.

One of the main characteristics of artificial intelligence is the way in which it provides information, which is precisely by analyzing hundreds of existing data and patterns from a library of information in seconds.

This feature can help reduce banking fraud by analyzing all the data, fraud patterns, and common behaviors of a user and prevent anomalies in real-time.



Desiree Peralta
The Startup

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice