Here’s How to Do LinkedIn without the Humblebragging

Get the platform working in the way it was meant to

Andy Taylor
The Startup


A businessman looks smug at getting an award, while dollar notes flutter in the air around him
Photo by RODNAE Productions:

I hate social media. There, I said it.

Ever since I was a small child I’ve always cheered for the underdog and constantly had a keen eye for when anyone was getting too big for their boots.

And I’ve always liked the idea of privacy — most of my life is no-one else’s business (nor other people’s mine).

Put these traits together and social media is starting to look pretty unattractive. But there’s context here too…

I was bullied as a kid for a while (a few months maybe?) Newsflash — plenty of people were. And it leaves a lasting effect. It teaches you about power, influence, people and “the crowd mentality” in a cruel but very effective way.

Everything about social media sets off my old alarm bells. That behaviour I saw in the schoolyard back in the 80s, you now see on the big online platforms.

The self-appointed cool kids. The strugglers. The vast majority in the middle just trying to get on.

And one platform that is badly affected is LinkedIn. Yes, the “professional” platform, where we’re all supposed to be grown-ups.



Andy Taylor
The Startup

I want to learn. I try to grow. I’d love to help.