Here’s How to Recover When You’ve Been Wronged

Time doesn’t heal all wounds, but these tips will.

Linda Smith
The Startup


Photo by Thomas Rey on Unsplash

“At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.” -Christine Mason Miller

We’ve all been there.

We’re going about our day and, out of the blue, someone treats you unfairly. You’re cut off in traffic, yelled at by a co-worker, or treated rudely by a cashier.

Or maybe the wrong you’ve endured is more serious. Maybe you’ve been betrayed by a friend, or are being unfairly blamed and ostracized by your family for something outside of your control.

There’s no doubt in your mind, though: you’ve been treated badly. You’ve been unfairly wronged, and are hurt and resentful because of it.

The Recovery Ritual

We all know hurtful incidents are part of life. They happen to us all.

Knowing we can’t avoid ever being wronged, how do we recover from the slight? How do we take the incident, process it, and refuse to let it ruin our day?

Remember, hurt people hurt people

This has been a powerful revelation for me, and a lesson I’ve tried to pass on to those close to me who are hurting.



Linda Smith
The Startup

content creator | creative | coffee-enthusiast | Enneagram 9