Here’s How to Tell If You’re Being Gaslighted at Work

Lessons learned from a boss who gaslighted me for three years.

Mindy Morgan Avitia
The Startup


Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

Often, people who are victims of gaslighting don’t realize what’s happening until they are far along the abuse cycle. Like white bread growing mold, recognizing the effects of gaslighting takes time, it takes a lot of questions about one’s own ability and sanity, it’s sometimes unrecognizable until it’s too late.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment.

Gaslighting doesn’t always have to be intentional, often it’s not. It’s a learned way of manipulating someone else to get the results they’d like to see. It’s the submission to their thoughts, beliefs, and ideas while questioning your own reality.

In other words, gaslighting is a mindfuck.

I was probably a perfect candidate to be a victim of my boss’s relentless charm and ability to make one question their entire career and experience. It was a talent I’ve seen few people possess. My boss was charismatic, handsome, and likable. When he walked into a room he asked about your cat’s kidney surgery or your grandmother’s hip replacement. He…



Mindy Morgan Avitia
The Startup

Figuring out how to be a creative, a mom, and a good person at the same time.