Here’s the Google Doc I Used to Land My First Writing Client

Google Doc included — along with steps for attracting clients (without having to pitch)

Scott Stockdale
The Startup


google homepage on laptop
Photo by Caio from Pexels

“You have to niche down.”

My coach was onto something. He’d been freelancing for years. The problem was, it was the chicken and egg all over again.

I didn’t know what I liked writing about, so I had to experiment. But that meant I couldn’t go niche.


I ignored his advice and continued with my projects.

This was three years ago. Since then, I’ve posted content every single week. Podcasts, articles, online courses — you name it.

There’s been no grand plan.

Because of the content, though, opportunities have popped up. One came earlier this year when I was asked to coach people on launching their podcasts.

Over 30 launches later, I no longer coach, but I’ve remained in touch with many of my clients. On our last calls, I encouraged them to reach out if they ever needed help.

One of my clients did. She asked if I could help her outsource some of her tasks, so I introduced her to a virtual assistant I’ve been working with for 18 months. They’ve been working together since.

