Hobby vs Job vs Career vs Calling

This distinction should be common sense.

Matthew Trinetti
The Startup


There’s a wonderful video of author Elizabeth Gilbert distinguishing between a hobby, job, career and vocation:

  • A hobby is something you do to keep life fun and interesting. With a hobby, the stakes are zero. You don’t need it to succeed. It’s simply something you enjoy doing. Hobbies are a reminder that you’re a human, not an automaton.
  • A job is an exchange of your time and effort for money. We live in a material world and money is a common currency to survive it. A job is doing a thing someone needs doing, and getting paid to do it.
  • A career is a job you’re passionate about. A career requires cultivation and sacrifices — which you’re willing to do because you believe in your career’s mission. Disliking a job might be okay because there’s a straightforward exchange — task for money. But disliking a career is a tragedy. Better off finding a new career, or just getting a job. “You should love a career, or not have one.”
  • A vocation is a calling. It’s sacred, mystical, maybe even spiritual. It’s something you can’t not do. Someone can take your job or a career away — but no one can take away a calling. No amount of money could stop you from pursuing a calling, nor seduce you to start a new one. It’s on a higher plane…



Matthew Trinetti
The Startup

Cofounder @londonwriterssalon. Facilitator, Education Designer, Consultant, TEDx speaker in a previous life. Sometimes writing: https://GiveLiveExplore.com.