Hoopers: Website Redesign

Guilherme Torres
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2020


Creating a new design for a basketball community platform

After intense weeks of hard work at the Ironhack UX/UI Design Bootcamp, it was time to prepare for the final project.

The students were introduced to real clients facing real problems.

Among all the business, Hoopers got my attention. They are a basketball community that works as an athlete-centered media platform. They also map and transform basketball courts, as well as creating specialized products for the community.

There are two mains reasons that made me choose Hoopers: the fact that they needed a complete redesign, and also the fact that — from now on — they want to prioritize the content in the homepage. I thought that my background as a content producer could help me in this process.

So, let’s see what exactly Hoopers needed and how I managed to help then.

The Problem

Hoopers was created because of four main reasons:

However, Hoopers is facing a problem.

Their current website don’t represent what Hoopers really is: a basketball content platform for

