Hosting a Next.JS App on a Non-Root Path

Conrad Johnston
The Startup
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2020


A photo of a person walking on a path.

How to serve your next.js app from instead of the assumed root path.

This article uses the Korerorero project as an example. Korerorero is an open source implementation of an animated chatbot with voice recognition.

When korerorero-front-end is deployed using the docker-compose config in korerorero-reverse-proxy it is served from /front-end rather than the root /.

This breaks some assumptions about where things will be in the file hierarchy.

To counter this we need to tell the framework that some of the assets are located somewhere other than root /.

To do this we set SELF_PATH in .env like so:



Then, over in next.config.js we can tell the framework about the novel path.


