How B2B AI Founders Create Newsletters That Convert Prospects to Customers (Without Being Salesy)

5 Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned From My Millionaire Mentors

Kurtis Pykes
The Startup


Created by the author using Midjourney

I’ve at least gotten one new lead from my newsletter in the past few weeks.

This is a far cry from the days when I would get mass unsubscribes whenever I promoted a product or service.

What’s changed?

Well, for one, my content is far more skimmable and specific.

I no longer copy and paste entire blog posts I publish on Medium — a technique I copied from one of my favorite creators without questioning its effectiveness.

Now, I think about who my audience is and what the most relatable aspects of my long-form content will be for them and compress it into a 3–4 minute read.

But that’s not all that’s changed…

In the last 12 months, I’ve been mentored by Nicolas Cole, Dickie Bush, and Matt Gray.

These guys have generated millions of dollars from their online businesses.

Being (virtually) around them has given me a unique insight into their writing process and helped me better understand the deliberate techniques they use to write captivating emails that convert…



Kurtis Pykes
The Startup

SaaS Content Writer | Sharing everything I learn as I build my solo business to $10M in revenue