How Blockchain Proves That Email Is Still a King

The Startup
Published in
6 min readSep 7, 2018

As technology develops and the new ways to communicate appear, people start doubting the traditional ways to interact in the web. Like email. Some even go as far as to say that email is dead and soon messengers will replace all the need in such a tedious form of communication.

“It’s old-school, come on”.

Triggmine, an email marketing automation service, welcomes you to consider how blockchain can be integrated to email and what aspects it could reform. And most importantly, why it matters.

People tried to forget email — and failed every time

The attempts to eliminate emails are not new.

In fact, that is the directions tech companies were going in for decades. Starting with MySpace, growing widely with Facebook, and getting to the incredible peak point with WhatsApp, the search of the communication instrument that can replace email is set to continue.

Except it’s the wrong direction. Email can’t be replaced. Period.

✔️If you think that something “killed” email communication, tell that to 3.7 billion users all over the world who together sent more than 269 billion emails per day.

So much for being gone. Source:

It doesn’t mean email will stay the same

Even though email is around for a long while now and it’s great as it is, it doesn’t mean that email can’t evolve further with time. It’s a natural process of development and it’s evident that email communication and marketing will change as well.

Let’s take a look at one of the hottest technologies around — blockchain. We think blockchain can have great impact on email and, what’s more important, a POSITIVE impact.

Blockchain offers a new perspective on email communication

Renovating Data Storing and Collection

Whoever told you the Internet is free, lied. Before we access so-called “free information”, we need to pass through multiple gatekeepers like browsers and ISPs.

Just by going to the website, we pay the price with our data, sacrificing our privacy and sometimes even digital security.

Let’s think why whenever you consider subscribing to the newsletter, you’ll definitely think twice. Now, your email and name, and whatever else you gave in that form, is at the full disposal of this companies. They start mailing you whenever they please, even when asked to remove the address from the list.

On the side of email users, GDPR was a real improvement on this account.

From now on, companies are forced to limit the extent of collected data and respect the private space of their users. But what if you are the one who has a newsletter? You need to get to know readers better to give them better content but regulations make it nearly impossible.

Blockchain offers a way out.

The data is not stored on third-party servers but instead, remains with those who own it. Whenever users want to terminate the relationship with the sender, they take the data away.

This way, it’s easier for the senders because they don’t have to keep track on timely deleting of the information, and for receivers because it fully corresponds with their right to be forgotten.

Keeping it real

Emails are often blamed for being not trustworthy enough. This is definitely a wrong argument because every type of online communication stands the chance of being faked — and social media just proved it.

Still, it’s pretty easy to set up an email with a fake name which might not even represent a real person. It jeopardizes the communication and puts users in danger of multiple scams and illegal schemes. Blockchain can solve this problem as well, by integrating a built-in identity check.

Inboxes are full of fake messages from fake people

Blockchain is a secure technology to store sensitive data — like documents that serve as the proof of identity. Proving that further, Telegram even created a decentralized document storage, and email providers can do the same thing.

Users would prove their identities by uploading documents or photos and an AI-based system could analyze them in seconds.

Removing fake and fraud from email communication would make it transparent and safe, just like it was at the very beginning stages. Businesses could benefit from that as well — now they would know that their newsletter subscribers are real people, not fake identities.

Turning tables in advertising

People like using emails but they don’t like receiving ads in their mailbox. Spam, direct ads, CPC-banners make it challenging to divide the messages that actually matter from the pile of garbage.

However, deleting all the advertising is definitely not a solution. For one thing, it’s nearly impossible — it’s a cornerstone of multiple business models. Also, not all advertising is trash. We still use advertising to find out about products that are really interesting and not all promotional emails have no value at all.

In fact, 47% of email users need mailboxes to buy new products. Advertising contributes to it a lot. Source:

Blockchain can help create the consensus between users and advertisers making both parties happy with the ads. In several ways, in fact.

Way #1 — Creating better ads

We know that if well-done, advertising can annoy way less. How can companies create better ads if personalization is getting harder?

Technology solves this problem once again. Combining blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, email marketing platforms can collect customer insights and turn them into automated campaigns, making the ads in them seamless and precisely targeted.

Such advertisements can be more efficient and respond better to customer needs. If advertising brings more value, receivers won’t object.

Way #2 — Making ads profitable for those who receive them

Yes, advertisers don’t have to be the one who profits from advertising. Those who receive ads can be compensated for viewing ads and interacting with them. On top of that, they can also decide what kind of ads that like to see on the screen or refuse to see banners altogether.

If you think about it deeper, such system does way more than optimizing the experience of receiving ads. It places the actual value on the user’s attention, the value that was taken away by monopolized advertising providers like Facebook or Google.

How to start?

If blockchain is something that you are willing to try in a foreseeable future, and today you are looking for an intelligent email marketing automation service with a perspective of the blockchain technology implementation — try Triggmine.

It will deliver state-of-the-art personified messages to your clients, and they will never want to leave. Also available on Shopify.


We think blockchain could be just the perfect solution. That’s also what led us to the development of the new email marketing automation tool — a blockchain and AI-based service that analyzes customer behavior and turns them to profitable promotional campaigns.

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