How Creatives Can Find the Balance Between Caring and Not Caring What People Think

Lessons from actor Joshua Malina’s Tweet

Mary DeVries
The Startup


Image by wal_172619 from Pixabay

As a creative who is also trying to earn a living, you are always walking a balance beam between aiming to please people and letting comments bounce right off your thick skin.

So I laughed in delight when I stumbled on this Twitter reply from Joshua Malina.

Joshua Malina joined the cast of the popular TV series, The West Wing in the fourth season with his character Will taking the job previously held by the popular and much better known Rob Lowe. Fans had opinions at the time and still have opinions now nearly twenty years later. Enough so that Malina’s current Twitter bio is “Hi. I ruined The West Wing.”

If you put your work in front of the public they will have opinions, the more exposure you get and the more popular you become the more opinions people will have.

Twitter user @Teo52779 felt it necessary to give Malina his opinion in a typical passive-aggressive social media…



Mary DeVries
The Startup

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.