How Did I Get Started With Machine Learning?

The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2020


My experience on How I got started and gradually learned the basics.

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

“The best way to learn Machine Learning is by DOING IT”.If you understand what I mean by this statement, then there is probably no need to go through the rest of the article.

When I was starting, I didn’t know where to begin with. Too much information, too many courses, and just too many different varying opinions on what to do and what NOT to do.

I will be honest, when I googled How to start learning machine learning(or something like that)for the first time back in 2019, I was bombarded with a plethora of varying opinions and different ways to get started.

Some said to learn R, Some said to start with Python, Others recommended getting a Masters degree, while a few downright told me to take a different career path. Yea, I know, varying opinions.

All of this led to an Information overload and left me more confused than ever on where to begin with.

BUT I knew I had to start somewhere and I did.

Made a ton of mistakes and still make them to this day but mistakes are good if you learn from them and make yourself better.

It’s an iterative process which makes you better along the way.

