How Do I Make Money Online as a Virtual Assistant?

Elna Cain
The Startup
Published in
9 min readApr 21, 2020


Photo from Kaboompics

When I was still new in my freelance writing career, I did several low-key VA gigs. At the time, I didn’t know I was acting like a VA since the term wasn’t as popular as it is now. Ultimately, I stuck with freelance writing, but I cannot recommend the career enough for stay at home parents.

Here’s why — everyone one needs help, and most of the tasks people need completing are simple and don’t require extensive research.

When I first started as a VA, I simply looked at popular, independent-run websites and looked for opportunities to serve them. For example, I offered a popular coupon blogger to help her post deals, I helped a baby boutique list product, and I did deal round-ups for a pet blog.

If you want to be a VA, then there is a steady stream of work for you. You just need to know where to look and how to market yourself. Remember, every website, person (esp. authors), and business is a possible client because like I said, everyone needs help with the background tasks.

What Exactly Is a Virtual Assistant?

As a virtual assistant, you provide online support to a company, site, or person by working remotely. Figure this, a company has a task at hand but does not have money to hire a full-time employee. Most companies will often…



Elna Cain
The Startup

SaaS freelance writer & mom with real-world marketing experience. Mentors writers on her blog Need a writer?