How Do We Surrender Our Unhealthy Attachments?

The spiritual gurus tell us to let go. But how?

Meg McCabe
6 min readNov 14, 2019
Photo by Slava B on Unsplash

I’ve spent the majority of my adulthood attached to certain people, beliefs, ideas and outcomes. I’ve run toxic relationships to the ground and I’ve clung to dreams to the point of self-destruction. Heck, I’m so emotionally attached to my 2005 Jeep that I know I’ll be ugly sobbing the day I have to sell her one day.

For the sake of this article, I’m talking about unhealthy attachments. These are the attachments that lead to fixation, obsession and perhaps an unwavering devotion to a particular person, outcome, object or belief. Unhealthy attachments lead to tunnel vision, suffering and disruption of inner-peace.

In spirituality and psychology, attachment connotes a level of inflexibility and stuckness on your path to growth.

To manifest your dreams, spiritual gurus like Deepak Chopra or Gabrielle Bernstein encourage us to let go of whatever we’re attached to so that we may discover mental peace and make room for change. Often, what we are attached to must be “surrendered to the universe” for us to be truly free.

To surrender is to cease resistance and submit to authority. In the realm of spirituality, that…



Meg McCabe

Mental Health, Psychology, Feminism, Life Lessons, Relationships, Culture. {Eating Disorder Recovery Coach}