How do you actually learn creativity?

Choose wisely…

Tim Gallo
The Startup


© Tim Gallo. Since there is no fitting image for this story, let's go with what we got.

I had a discussion with my photography assistant about how you actually learn creativity and perfect what you like to do.

Now, this advice maybe obvious, yet I feel inclined to share it — hoping that some will find it useful. Especially at times like this, when most of us staying home.

In my conversation with the assistant, we discussed influences in our creative life and how to learn from them.

My advice is this:

Find a creator/artist you like and research his influences. Who or what influenced him and at what point of their career. Point your attention to that. Once you figure out your favorite artist influences — go more in-depth and study who influenced them, examine what their work has represented at their times of success. It may often not just work but something else — like a relationship, nature, or pure genius. Follow any trope that is follow-able and feed your soul with practical knowledge.

Soon you will find yourself on stairs of a particular path — with tons of stuff to learn, to digest, and to contemplate about.

If you are lucky, you will find yourself in a chain of those creators — connected, intertwined.



Tim Gallo
The Startup

Based in Tokyo Japan, I work as celebrity portrait photographer. Sometimes Movie Director. Occasionally poet. I apologise for not perfect english.