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What Makes Product Managers Happy?

Lilly M. Dobreva
The Startup
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2019


Today, I came across research done by the folks at ConfidenceConf, Pavlo Pedenko and Yaroslav Stepanenko. I think most PMs would find it insightful and thought-provoking. It covers job satisfaction among PMs in relation to how happy they are with different aspects of their job. Here is the summary:

Summary from ‘Product Managers’ Job Satisfaction’ Report 2019 by ConfidenceConf. Get the full report here

It’s a well-structured and engaging read and frankly the most comprehensive research on this topic I have come across so far. Looking at the summary, some of the findings definitely drive home the point that autonomy, clear decision-making process and strong collaboration are key to PM’s happiness. But obviously, there’s more.

It made me think not only about what really influences my own satisfaction with my PM role but also how do I make sure that the PMs on my team are satisfied. I don’t have a very clear-cut answer but I think the most important step is to listen and adapt. Make sure you are always aware of what bothers the Product Manager and actively take steps to adapt the reality to fit their needs. Personally, when I see people take my pains seriously and act on them with urgency, then I feel content and even more motivated to perform. At the end of the day, as John Cutler put it, ‘Product Managers are the canary in the coalmine’. They’ll be the first ones to spot organizational dysfunctions and if you manage to keep them happy, you’re half-way there.

Note: I am in no way associated with or promoting ConfidenceConf, just wanted to share the report properly with all credit where credit is due :)

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Lilly M. Dobreva
The Startup

A curious product person. In love with reading and new experiences | CPO @ Litentry