How Drinking at 10 am Leads to a Productive New Year

Nicole Akers
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2019



“You’re an alcoholic if you drink before noon.”

That’s what Grandpa always said as he popped the tab on his beer can at 12:01 pm.

I wonder what he would think of me if he knew I popped the cork at 9:30 am.

Yes, I did.

And, I planned to do so.

Allow me to set the stage.

I received some special gifts to set the mood. My daughter put a trial-size bottle of lavender bubble bath, body lotion, and a face mask in my Christmas sock.

Also in my sock, were two small logs of sausage and a cheeseball.

Under the tree was a special bottle of red wine just for me.

My husband added five armfuls of wood to the garage so I could start a fire without stepping outside to get wood.

The girls went back to school this morning and my husband is at work. It’s just me, the dog, and the gifts they gave me to create this occasion. The best spa day in the world, in the peace of my humble abode.

I pop the cork on a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon at 9:30 am and let it breathe while I start a fire and run a bubble bath. I hear the fire crackling as I slice the sausage and ready the cheeseball along with…



Nicole Akers
The Startup

Teacher | Happy Mom of 2 brings amazing tips on parenting, learning, & lifestyle | 🐶 Mom | Bestselling Author | Founder of Publishous. Keep that smile.