How Elon Musk’s Starlink Could Disrupt The Telecommunications Industry

Derick David
The Startup
Published in
8 min readJun 16, 2020


Starlink, of SpaceX, is a satellite constellation project being developed by Elon Musk and team to give satellite Internet go-to access for people in any part of the world. The plan is to comprise thousands of mass-delivered little satellites in low Earth circle, orbit, working in mix with ground handheld devices, called Satellite dishes, and you will use these devices to connect directly to your iPhones and other devices. Elon Musk speaks about it as a grand Idea that could change the way we view and access the world around us.

Nowadays, how we connect to the internet is primitive. However, Starlink might just change that, in a big way. The global pandemic has shown us how much we rely on the internet and how much is needed to run our lives, to access knowledge, and to communicate to people distant from us.

So, allow me to state how Starlink, this little Elon Musk pet project, can rise up to stardom, like a “rocket ship”, take over the world, and disrupt, yet, another future dying industry.

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Derick David
The Startup

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