How Hacking The Price Is Right Lead To A Path Of Success

Sometimes crazy plans pay off.

Erik Brown
The Startup


Alex Banayan on The Price Is Right — picture from The Daily Trojan

“When you change what you believe
is possible, you change
what becomes possible.”

— Alex Banayan, author of “The Third Door”

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

  • Did you just hop on a plane and go somewhere with no plan?
  • Was it an impulse purchase?
  • Did you apply for a job you felt you had no chance in getting?
  • Did you ask that random stranger out on a date?
  • Was it a business decision that appeared to make no logical sense, but your gut told you it was the right thing to do?

At that particular moment in your life your logical brain was telling you it didn’t make sense. But, something inside of you told you to go ahead. Whatever that inner force was, it was just unstoppable.

You just had to make that move; that feeling in your gut just told you to go ahead and ignore logic.

Just this one time, turn your brain off and go with your intuition.

