How I add a Calendar to my Ruby on Rails 6 app using CLNDR.js
When I am building my app, I need to add a calendar to show a list of events to remind me of the appointments and schedules. Recently I have been exploring with a JQuery plugin called CLNDR. Unlike many other calendar libraries, this library provides the data and you are responsible for the HTML template with an optional template engine of your choice. I chose the Mustache.js for my project. Here is what I do:
- Installation of the JS libraries
- Integrate with your Rails front end
- An example
Installation of the JS libraries
CLNDR is a jQuery plugin. It requires only 2 dependencies:
Optional, we chose Mustache as our template rendering engine:
In a Rails app, you can easily install using yarn to install yarn install clndr mustache
. All the dependencies will be properly downloaded and install under your node_modules
Integrate with your Rails front end
Now that you have all the necessary prerequisites, you can include them in your application.js
Application.js//= require mustache/mustache.min
//= require moment/moment
//= require clndr/clndr.min
An example
We first define our calendar template in a view. The mustache template is self explantory and it’s using double parenthesis to enclose the variable and using {{#}} and {{/}} for a loop.
Mustache template<div id="full-clndr" class="clearfix">
<script type="x-tmpl-mustache" id="full-clndr-template">
<div class="clndr">
<div class="clndr-controls">
<div class="clndr-previous-button"><</div>
<div class="clndr-next-button">></div>
<div class="current-month">{{month}} {{year}}</div>
<div class="clndr-grid">
<div class="days-of-the-week">
<div class="header-day">{{.}}</div>
<div class="days">
<div class="{{classes}}" id="{{id}}"><span class="day-number">{{day}}</span></div>
<div class="event-listing">
<div class="event-listing-title">THIS MONTH</div>
<div class="event-item">
<div class="event-item-name">{{title}}</div>
<div class="event-item-location">{{location}}</div>
</div>// All the variables you can access in the template:
daysOfTheWeek: [‘S’,’M’,’T’, etc...]
numberOfRows: 5
days: [{ day, classes, id, events, data }]
month: ”December”
year: ”2019”
eventsThisMonth: []
eventsLastMonth: []
eventsNextMonth: []// You can define custom variables when initializing your clndr object and access here in your template.
extras: {}
JavaScript// Initiate calendar
var clndr = {};
$(function() {
var currentMonth = "2019-12";
var nextMonth = "2020-01"; var events = [
{ date: '2019-12-10', title: 'Persian Kitten Auction', location: 'Center for Beautiful Cats' },
{ date: '2019-12-19', title: 'Cat Frisbee', location: 'Jefferson Park' },
{ date: '2019-12-23', title: 'Kitten Demonstration', location: 'Center for Beautiful Cats' },
{ date: '2020-01-07', title: 'Small Cat Photo Session', location: 'Center for Cat Photography' }
]; var clndrTemplate = $('#full-clndr-template').html(); clndr = $('#full-clndr').clndr({
// template: $('#full-clndr-template').html(),
render: function(data) {
return Mustache.render(clndrTemplate, data);
events: events,
forceSixRows: true
The JQuery plugin CLNDR
is a worthy choice for your next project should you required a calendar component. The decoupling of the calendar data and layout makes it highly customizable and tailor to the needs of your project or client’s needs. Do check it out!