How I am getting feedback for my startup idea.

Since feedback from family and friends is usually biased, I had to learn new ways of getting feedback from total strangers.

Adel Aali - History Behind News Podcast
The Startup


I hope this post is helpful to other entrepreneurs in discovering the variety of ways they can receive initial feedback about their startup idea.

I am developing a site that provides historical background to our news. I am passionate about this project because our news generally lacks perspective and context.

At the outset, as an entrepreneur I wanted to know if anyone else shares my passion about this project?

Essentially, I wanted to know if my project is a labor of love? A hobby? Or will others get all excited about it like me? And if they do, how would they want the ultimate product to look like — delivery platform, content, topics, presentation. Sorry, getting ahead of myself here. Those questions come a little later in the project.

The one thing I was sure about is that prodding my family and friends is really not the way to go. I know most of their personalities and most of them know mine. So there would be inherent biases in their responses. For example, I would likely discount the…



Adel Aali - History Behind News Podcast
The Startup

Weekly podcast conversations with prominent professors, prize-winning authors, and presidential advisors about the history behind our current news.