
How I Became an Overnight Success as a Blogger

To hell with the years of sweat, frustration, and self doubt.

Travis Hubbard
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 24, 2020


By the Spring of 2002, I had built and sold a consulting company, and had recently gone back to work as programmer with a huge media company in the Ashburn, Virginia area. I was married with kids, house, pets, debt, the whole thing. I worked a LOT of hours, so many in fact, that I came home one night to find that everyone had moved out.

Just like that, my life was turned upside down. It forced me to take a long, hard look at myself, my lifestyle, and my career choices.

As a form of self therapy, I started writing. My first personal website consisted of a few static pages and an “info product” that I sold in an attempt to pick up a few bucks to help me crawl out of debt and start to piece my life back together. It was slow going to say the least.

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Blogging. The Early Days.

Writing on the web was different back in 2003. WordPress didn’t reach a 1.0 release until January 2004, and even with that, who was using it? Not me.

So like many people back in the day, I created my sites using static HTML with some PHP sprinkled here and there to help boost my Google rankings.



Travis Hubbard
The Startup

Developer, writer, digital alchemist. 30 years in software. MEng Stevens.