How I Completely Ruined My Email List

Email marketing made me a sellout

Sarah Aboulhosn
The Startup


Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash

I saw the numbers get higher and sold out. I craved “growth” and would do whatever it took to maintain it. Even if that meant abandoning my values.

If you are currently on or were ever previously on my email list. I am sorry.
I fell victim of the marketers biggest scam of telling everyone that if they don’t have an email list they don’t have a real business. As a marketer, I do agree. If you want to grow and nurture your audience, you need to be able to reach them on a platform that is your own and having their email address is one of the best ways to do that.

My email list started as a very honest and humble thing. I dropped a very ugly MailChimp link onto one of my first Medium posts and told people if they wanted to see more content like this, then they should subscribe. And at first, it went very well. I would write some unique content that I would only send to my list. My emails were authentic and I got very good feedback.

At the time I was still experimenting with my career and what I wanted to do with my life long term (still haven’t figured it out, btw). Eventually, I decided that as a marketer, I should give a shot at teaching people what I know about marketing.



Sarah Aboulhosn
The Startup

Occasional writer, and serial project-starter/abandoner. I have a lot of feelings.