How I Discovered The “Reset The World” Button

Mário Barbosa
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2018
One of my stickers sticked in Oporto, São Bento railway station

A couple of years ago I had an epiphany on how much the world needs a fresh start that led me doing the simplest most gratifying thing (some stickers), and it only took me 15 minutes.

During a talk with a close friend on several topics that were unquieting my mind we realised that most people believes mass media are some sort of God of Information. If so, they can only have two states of mind: being worried about everything or not worrying about a thing.

Unfortunately, we are all misguided and led to believe everything that we hear. The news are called ‘news’ for a reason right? Should redact facts right? Right, but they don’t and even when they to redact the facts they mess it up on the way they broadcast that information to induce fear and speculation. Please take the next 30 minutes to see “The art of Deception”.

They also show us magic tricks, disguised as ads, to awake our consumerist mind.

This trap us into…

We buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like. — Fight Club

We need to be really careful on what we consume from the mass media

There is no surprise we live in the world where all problems are REAL AND INDUCED by humans, like, extreme poverty, terrorism, war crimes, poor education, wrong family values, social addiction issues, natural resources abuse, global warming, nuclear war, consumerist ideals, molesting advertising, etc.

We are all led to believe the world if fu**ed, and that’s probably right. When we face this “dead-end though” we can be frightened and dumb or we can accept it and act.

I’m not suggesting you to leave your job, create some-bulls** blog and become an activist against the mass media, capitalism and on society in general.

I’m talking about accepting the reality when we see it: homeless man asking for food or money, a starving kid, kids used as sex slaves, a depressed mother that shot herself due to lack of mental health support, extreme poverty, mass media control in news and ads, elderlies abandoned and left to die alone, etc. Not dodging the other way, accepting and acting we are truly pressing the ‘RESET THE WORLD’ button.

Pressing the ‘RESET THE WORLD’ button means we didn’t dodge our look

We can’t all be philanthropists but can be entrepreneurs of kindness and love in a world ruled by hate, money, greed and selfishness.

I’ve always been the kind of person that tries to figure out the meaning in all things in life and I truly believe that we can reset the world one day at a time by resetting a behaviour or a opinion one day at a time.

Eduardo Marinho

Every once and a while I found some figures like Eduardo Marinho or David Steindl-Rast that represent the change we want to see in the world, each in their own way. I was truly fascinated when I found them.

Eduardo was born in the comfy Brazilian middle class. He worked in banking and joined the military school but society had failed him and he dropped it all, all!, and went finding a meaning from his life don’t caring for society dogmas.

I don’t think that we should follow his steps but we can learn from it. We can all drink from his life experiences.

“Reflect, Reflect, Reflect. Just to reflect is work for the academics. You need to go out and try your theory”. — Eduardo Marinho

Most of the times I tried to show my opinion on our society most of my friends would not understand or said if I wanted to be a misfit like it’s a choice and I could just not have a mind of my own. Specially your close friends.

People don’t want to hear something they don’t understand or that shake their “status quo”.

Our stickers, in the right @ Barcelona captured by some random viewer

I was a little disappointed by the limited opportunities I had to talk to people I’ve known about this, even close friends, I mean, specially with friends.

That’s why I joined a friend of mine did some stickers and started sticking them everywhere.

It’s the viewer’s choice to Press The Button and this was one of my little actions to challenge their minds about the world we live in.

Well, that’s all folks, hope you enjoyed it, if so, leave your feedback in a comment or your clap.

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