How I Earn $8K+ Per Month While Only Working 15 Hours Per Week

Creating my dream freelancing workweek meant no grind.

Zulie Rane
The Startup


Image of the author taken by author’s husband. Source: IG

In September of 2020, I was working around 80 hours a week. In March 2021, I worked 42 hours — in the entire month.

In September, I spent forty hours per week, of course, on my day job. The other forty was my writing business: videos, articles, editing, coaching. In March, I have condensed my freelance work into less than 15 hours per week, while earning $8,500.

Here’s how I created my 15-hour workweek while still making enough for a very comfortable lifestyle.

1. I stopped working at my corporate job.

God, I was so afraid during that first week of being fully freelance. I was afraid I’d cut my income in half. I was afraid I’d run out of time when working freelance. I was afraid I’d overwork myself and burn out.

But you know what I found? That when I wasn’t spending half my brainpower and time on a corporate job I kind of hated, I was actually much more effective at making money. I didn’t need forty hours a week, scraped from the margins of my evenings and weekends, to make a living. I could do it in 3 hours a day.



Zulie Rane
The Startup

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.