How I Got Over 10k Followers on Twitter in 6 Months

My month-by-month journey from June to November and an in-depth strategy that helped me, and can help you do the same.

Evans Okoro
The Startup


Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

I always wanted to have a presence on Twitter because I preferred short-form content. Even in my previous articles, you’ll see how the majority of my pieces are 2 minutes long.

I opened a new Twitter account in August 2020. I remember I was on the toilet seat when I got the push to open the account. The plan was to share writing advice and build an audience there.

But from August 2020 to May 2021, I had just 4 followers. I wasn’t consistent at all.

Things changed in June 2021, I got serious about expanding my reach, so I took creating content on Twitter seriously. I did lots of experimenting. Bought a couple of info products. And learned all I could. After 6 months of using Twitter every day, I got to 10k+ followers. This article shows you a step-by-step analysis of what I did in the different months to get to 10k followers.

