How I Grew My Dead Newsletter To 10 Paying Subscribers a Month (5 Steps To Reach Your 1st Milestone)

How to start generating newsletter revenue as the new kid on the block

Martina D.
The Startup


The 1st milestone breaks down the walls. /Photo: DISRUPTIVO

10 paid subscribers? Some people will laugh. They have thousands.

For me this is a big jump.

A few months ago my newsletter was officially dead. A hub of exactly zero activity. 25 people were around only because they forgot to unsubscribe.

Why is this a problem?

Your newsletter subs are your most important online audience.

If you have followers that’s great. But your active subscribers are your warmest leads.

They already know you. They already like you enough to opt in and pay for your stuff. They are the foundation stones you’re building your impact on.

Starting from scratch means starting small. Right now, my newsletter has 235 free and 10 paid subscribers. It’s growing at 3 new subs a day.

Here are the steps I’ve made:

1st mistake you need to kill (I started growing immediately after)



Martina D.
The Startup

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