How I Grew My Twitter Account by 400% in 365 Days (Efficiently) as a Side-Hustler

The keyword is “efficiently”

Aldric Chen
The Startup


I started my Twitter account in March of 2020, but I only started using it more regularly from August that year. Like many, I struggled with the blue-colored social media platform.

Why so? Because it is easy to construct a tweet but extremely difficult to gain traction.

Take a look at the following statistics to understand where I am coming from as a 0-follower account holder in 2020.

  • There are 391 million accounts with zero followers on Twitter.
  • There were 7,000 Tweets about TV or movies every minute in 2020.
  • There were 2 billion Tweets about sports in 2020.
  • Tweets about cooking increased nearly 300% in 2020.

Twitter is (extremely) competitive when it comes to building a following. It took me 4 months before that first person came to retweet and comment on my 2-line post.

Since then, I have changed how I use and engage with the platform. By the end of my first year on the platform, my follower count increased by 400% and more (from 10 to 420).

Let me share how I do it and what I (actually) do in this article.



Aldric Chen
The Startup

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.