From left to right: Tim Ferriss, Leonardo Da Vinci, Yoda

How I Learned 50 Skills In 18 Months, and So Can You

Different intelligence, different approaches

Danny Forest
The Startup
Published in
11 min readMay 22, 2019


Writing, Learning to Learn, Public Speaking, Storytelling, Programming, Spanish, Meditation, Portrait Photography, Playing the Ukulele, Salsa Dancing, Productivity, Drawing…

How would you like to learn these skills and even more?


Don’t be so quick to say that. Let me show you how it was not only possible for me — but it can also be possible for you

Why you previously “failed”

According to the American Developmental Psychologist, Howard Gardner, there are 9 types of intelligence:


Going into the details of each of them would be out of the scope of the article. However, please take a moment to analyze this image because we’ll discuss it below. Or keep it in a separate window to follow along (click the source above).

With that, I want you to realize if you’ve tried learning skills and failed, it may be because the skills you tried worked against your current intelligence.



Danny Forest
The Startup

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.