How I Learned To Love My Mistakes

“Trial and error” is hardwired in our brains. Every mistake takes us closer to our true selves.

Kostas Farmakis
The Startup


“My dog is a genius, he jumps and opens the door,” my friend said proudly. But all her dog did was to use the most basic and ancient natural method of learning: Trial and error. After numerous jumps and attempts, he found exactly how to jump and what to pull. He may have failed a thousand times, but now she calls him a genius.

Humanity used trial and error to climb down from the trees and climb up the skyscrapers. From the prehistoric cave to the Manhattan condo, the history of humanity is full of unsuccessful attempts that lead to brilliant solutions.

  • Humans use trial and error. From the prehistoric hunter who adapted tools and hunting techniques by testing them on the field, to the driver who learns how to park in a tight space, success comes after many unsuccessful attempts. Toddlers fall hundreds of times before they learn how to walk.
  • Nature uses trial and error. The evolution of species is a constant trial and error scheme where our DNA “learns” how to adapt to achieve the best result. Slow lions and short-necked giraffes surely existed at some point. Not any more.
  • Society uses trial and error. We tried absolute monarchy…



Kostas Farmakis
The Startup

I write for the living for the past 30 years. Expert in digital life, tech and traveling. Currently learning code and stand-up comedy. Don’t know my endgame.