How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the MacBook

Joshua Beck
The Startup
Published in
13 min readAug 26, 2020


My journey to find my next computer has been a long and winding road. And I’m sure many wouldn’t understand why I’ve been so indecisive, going back and forth between this laptop and that laptop, only to end up with the very first laptop I tried out.

That’s right, when I first set out to get a new computer, the MacBook Air was the first computer I looked at. I’ve always wanted a Mac, you see, but until recently, that desire had been met with an inability to afford one.

The story should have ended there. It should have ended right there. But not too long after I realized I had the ability to afford a MacBook- even if it was only the most barebones model available- I concluded that I also had the means to afford a nicer Windows laptop that what I’d previously used. And so I began trying things out.

Long story short: I tried the Surface Laptop 3, the Samsung Galaxy Flex Alpha, and the Lenovo Yoga c740. I threw the Google Pixelbook Go in there for good measure, because at some point I realized that even though I could afford a more expensive computer didn’t necessarily mean I needed one. But I soon discovered that I needed more than Chrome OS, and so the cycle was doomed to repeat itself. I went back to the MacBook, and then back to the Surface Laptop 3, and then back to the Pixelbook Go. And then back to the…

