How I Made $10,495.33 in a Single Month of Freelance Writing

I only worked 16 hours per week.

Zulie Rane
The Startup


I became a freelance writer October 10th, 2020. I spent the first few hours of my newfound freedom panicking that I’d made a dreadful mistake. At that point, I decided that when I made $10,000 a month — and only then! — would I consider my new career a success that nobody could take away from me. I would know, at that point, that I was on the right path.

Eight months after I launched into my freelance lifestyle, I accomplished my goal: I earned $10,495.33 in May 2021.

Here’s how I did it and where it all came from. If you prefer watching, you can check out the video here:

1. I was not an overnight success story.

Let nobody tell you success happens overnight, because it doesn’t. In May, I earned $4,999.26 from my blog and YouTube combined, but that was not a random one-off occurrence. That was the result of 2 years of working, writing, filming, editing, networking, and learning.



Zulie Rane
The Startup

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.