Business Stories

How I Make Money on Airbnb Without Owning or Renting an Apartment

This is my story of how I stumbled into making money on Airbnb without owning, renting or investing my own money. Until I get to the main part, I think I need to start a bit further in the past.

Mike 3enj4min
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2019


courtesy of

A few years ago my girlfriend and I took a year off and went on a journey around the world. And because of the lack of income during that time, our budget was really tight. Hence we used Airbnb apartments A LOT, instead of booking expensive hotels or uncomfortable hostels. And when we came back we tried to think of what we had learned and how we could change our lives in the future. We thought of all the people we had met including our Airbnb hosts. Our hosts were nice, middle class people. They were very hospitable but had no special skills or knowledge. Just regular people, like us.

And then we thought: “Let’s try and start a side-hustle, an Airbnb business. Let’s find an apartment and rent it out on Airbnb. It can’t be that difficult.” Oh boy, were we wrong. We rented an apartment, we bought furniture and decorations, and we created our profile. We had some good guests and some bad guests but overall the business was going well…



Mike 3enj4min
The Startup

Traveling, writing, programming, designing, teaching and managing