How I Make Over 6 Figures Creating Content Along the Superlative Scale

What it is and how I do it

Christopher Kokoski
The Startup


Colorful emoji rainbow scale — How I Make Over 6 Figures Creating Content Along the Superlative Scale
Image created by the Author using Canva

In an insightful interview with Colin and Samir, YouTuber Max Fosh explained how misdirection, a classic joke structure, can be a goldmine for content creators.

He called it the Superlative Scale.

And it’s made me over $100,000 in the last few years.

Unpacking the Mystery: The Superlative Scale Defined

The Superlative Scale is a tantalizing spectrum ranging from one extreme end to the other. It’s all about juxtaposing wildly contrasting ideas to form a novel concept, and more importantly, making it memorable.

During the interview, Max Fosh explained it this way:

We like to talk about things on YouTube using a superlative scale. So that’s basically big things, small things, rude things to polite things…
That is a good way in which we kind of think of ideas because that’s essentially what comedy is — the structure of writing a joke is misdirection…
It’s taking extremes, the juxtaposition of those things.

For example:

  • Big Thing to Little Thing — Imagine an elephant trying to fit inside a teacup!
  • Rude Thing to Kind Thing — A bear furiously steals your picnic basket only to return with a bouquet of flowers.
  • Simple Thing to Complex Thing — A paper airplane designed with the intricacy and detail of a master origami artist, complete with retractable landing gear and multiple compartments.
  • Silent Thing to Noisy Thing — Think about a library — the epitome of silence. Now, juxtapose that with the concept of a library where every book, when opened, plays a different genre of music out loud. A cacophony of sounds from rock to classical, all in the quiet confines of a library.
  • Common Thing to Rare Thing — Picture a plain, white sock. Now, imagine a sock made from the fluff of a golden phoenix feather, available only once every century when the mythical bird renews its plumage.
  • Stable Thing to Chaotic Thing — A chess game, typically slow and methodical, where every move is calculated. Now, visualize a version where pieces have minds of their own, darting around the board, changing allegiance, and introducing completely unpredictable moves.
  • Ancient Thing to Futuristic Thing — An ancient stone wheel design made entirely of holograms and anti-gravity technology, adapting terrain and time.
  • Boring Thing to Exciting Thing — Max Fosh cooked a frozen meal in a Volcano. He also “tricked” his parents into legally saying that he was the favorite child.
  • Nasty Thing to Beautiful Thing — Another great Max Fosh video is him turning roadkill into fine dining and serving it to food critics.

By taking everyday subjects and pushing them against their superlatives, we can achieve a certain degree of absurdity that not only captures attention but also reinforces memory.

How I Use the Superlative Scale to Make Over 6 Figures

There are many ways to use the superlative scale in blogging and writing.

Or any content creation.

Here is how I use the superlative scale:

  • To brainstorm ideas
  • To improve ideas
  • To analyze ideas
  • To create titles
  • To create content
  • To structure content

If you’re wondering exactly how to apply the superlative scale to my ideas and content creation, check out the next two sections.

Using the Superlative Scale to Vet and Elevate Your Ideas

I often find myself pondering: Is this idea good? Can it be better?

This is how I use this scale to dissect, analyze, and ultimately amplify my content ideas.

1. Initial Idea Assessment

Before jumping onto the Superlative Scale, I first gauge the inherent value of an idea:

  • Relevance — Does this idea resonate with current trends or my target audience’s interests?
  • Originality — Have I seen this concept replicated multiple times, or is there a fresh angle here?
  • Feasibility — Can I execute this idea with the resources and knowledge I possess?

2. Applying the Superlative Scale

With an idea in mind, I initiate my Superlative Scale analysis.

Here, I am looking to contrast and misdirect:

  • Extreme Ends — What are the polar opposites of this concept?
  • Unexpected Mashups — How can I juxtapose the idea with something hilariously contrary?
  • Absurd Transformations — In what ways can I stretch the idea to its funniest, most absurd limit?

3. Deep Dive Questions

Now, to dissect the idea further, I ask myself a series of questions:

  • Audience Connection — Will my audience connect with this extreme or misdirected version of the idea?
  • Value Proposition — Beyond humor or absurdity, what value does this new concept offer? (E.g., Is it informational, inspirational, or purely entertainment?)
  • Shareability — Is the idea memorable enough that readers would want to share it with their peers?

4. Refining Through Feedback

After the Superlative Scale’s application, I sometimes present the enhanced idea to a small group, seeking feedback:

  • First Impressions — What’s their initial reaction? Are they intrigued, amused, or confused?
  • Engagement Levels — Does the idea sustain their interest, or do their minds wander?
  • Improvement Points — Which parts do they believe can be tweaked for better impact?

5. Final Evaluation

Post feedback, I sit with my idea once more and contemplate:

  • Integration — Does the Superlative Scale’s application feel seamless, or does it appear forced?
  • Execution Strategy — How will I present this idea? Through articles, videos, infographics, etc.?
  • Monetization Potential — Can this idea be monetized without diluting its essence? If so, how?

Once I have my idea ready to go, I’m ready to run it through the superlative scale process again but this time for content.

Step by Step: Crafting Stellar Content Using Misdirection

Harnessing the art of misdirection to craft irresistible content is like a magician performing a spellbinding trick. It’s captivating, evocative, and a delightful surprise for your audience.

Let’s delve deeper into the steps that can make this magic happen:

1. Core Topic Association

For instance, let’s say you choose “ninjas.” In this case, you’re picking a theme that has potential, history, and audience intrigue.

Ask yourself: “What do people usually know or associate with ninjas?” Perhaps it’s stealth, martial arts, or a mysterious demeanor.

2. Determine the Opposite Superlative

For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

For every known trait of your topic, there’s an absurd, opposite trait waiting to be explored. So, if ninjas are celebrated for their art of disappearing, the comical opposite would be them standing out conspicuously.

This method adds a dash of unexpected humor, which is a key ingredient in misdirection.

The more contrasting and surprising, the better.

3. Mesh The Extremes

It’s time to blend the two ends of the spectrum.

This step is about mixing the conventional with the unconventional, creating a concoction that’s both familiar and fresh. Imagine trying to merge the idea of ninjas (known for blending in) with a scenario where they’re trying to stand out — like a ninja participating in a fashion runway show.

Such ideas make the content relatable yet unpredictably fun.

4. Research and Frame Content

A quirky idea is just the tip of the iceberg.

To ensure your content is grounded and offers value, research is pivotal. Dive into specifics, maybe look into the history of ninjas, and find anecdotal instances that can be humorously tweaked.

Additionally, keyword research will ensure your content is not just entertaining but also SEO-optimized. This guarantees your hilariously informative content reaches the masses.

You can use tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, and Deapmarket for keyword research.

5. Engage With Multimedia

Words can paint a picture, but actual visuals can add depth to your content.

Think about the potential of a well-placed meme, GIF, or even a short video clip. For our ninja example, a mockumentary-style interview with a ninja sharing his “woes” of being too visible would be both humorous and engaging.

Multimedia elements breathe life into your misdirected content, making it more shareable.

6. Promote & Share

Once your masterpiece is ready, it needs an audience.

Distributing and promoting it across different platforms, from social media to content syndication sites, helps in amplifying reach. Tailor the promotion strategy based on where your audience hangs out.

For instance, a hilarious infographic on “Ninja Fails” might do wonders on Pinterest or Instagram.

Making Moolah: Monetizing Your Absurd Content Ideas

Once you’ve got your readers or viewers hooked with your misdirected, absurdly delightful content, how do you make it rain dollars?

Let’s dive into some monetization techniques.

1. Display Ads

Display ads are the digital billboards of the internet.

Platforms like Google AdSense or Mediavine allow you to host ads on your website or blog. When your Superlative Scale content drives traffic, these ads get views, and more importantly, potential clicks.

My advice:

  • Strategic Placement — Ensure that ads are placed in areas that don’t disrupt the user’s reading experience but are still visible enough to generate interest. Sidebars, between sections, or at the end of your article are popular spots.
  • Optimized Content — The more engaging and longer your content, the more ad placements you can potentially have. This increases the likelihood of ad interaction.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Superlative Scale content often references products or services.

For instance, if you’re writing about the “Boring Thing to Exciting Thing” concept and mention escape room board games, you can use an affiliate link for those games.

My advice:

  • Choose Relevant Affiliates — Platforms like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or ClickBank offer a plethora of products you can promote. Select those that align closely with your content.
  • Transparent Disclosure— Always ensure you disclose to your readers that you’re using affiliate links. It builds trust and is also a legal requirement in many regions.

3. Sponsorships

As your content garners attention, brands might be interested in getting a piece of the spotlight. Imagine creating content on “Nasty Thing to Beautiful Thing” and partnering with a home decor brand showcasing how their products can transform spaces.

  • Customized Content — Sponsorships often come with specific requirements. Maybe the brand wants a special mention or a detailed review. Ensure that their needs align with your content’s tone and style.
  • Build Long-Term Relationships — One-off sponsorships are great, but building long-term partnerships ensures a steady stream of revenue. Consistent, high-quality content will make brands more inclined to invest in you over extended periods.

Wacky Examples to Inspire Your Next Hit Content

Let’s stick with ninjas (because it’s absurd) and give you more superlative scale content ideas.

I hope these ideas are not only fun to read but also spark creativity:

  • The World’s Loudest Ninja — How she ended up as a lead singer in a rock band.
  • The Ninja Who Loved Daylight — Chronicles of his attempts at blending in at the beach.
  • Ninjas vs. Clowns — The ultimate showdown in being discreet.

Final Thoughts

Another point Max Fosh made during his YouTube interview was that you don’t necessarily need 100% original ideas.

You can take existing ideas and tweak them to fit your style and voice.

That’s the superlative scale shrunk down to the size of approachability and practice. I hope you take it, play with it, and use it to create amazing content.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Startup

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