How I multiplied my passive income stream of $1000/month into $5000/month

The Startup
Published in
6 min readFeb 10, 2023


And what I learned on the way.

Picture from Canva, edited by the author.

Last summer, I started on a journey that has been really special for me.

It has been one of those journeys where you don’t know exactly where you’ll end up — but it just feels like it will be somewhere amazing.

It is a journey into the world of passive income.

It started with an old dream I’ve had for years:

Being able to spend way more time with my family, and travel more freely.

Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy my corporate job. I have great colleagues, challenging tasks — and even a very nice boss.

But sometimes, it still feels a bit empty. I just want more from my life.

For a long time, it didn’t feel very realistic to change this, though.

I’d read about people who succeeded with making passive income online, but somehow, it always seemed like they were smarter / luckier / had better timing than me.

But, then, something happened.

Picture from Canva, edited by the author.

The first passive income stream



The Startup

Passionate about passive income such as email marketing, affiliate marketing, e-books & Etsy printables. My homepage & newsletter: