How I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking

And how you can do it too, if you set your mind to it.

Fredrik Holm
The Startup


Empty auditorium — photo by Merch HÜSEY on Unsplash

Picture this: you are attending a workshop. You are sitting in a room with twenty people, most of which you haven’t met before. The facilitator opens by saying,

“Before we get started, let’s go around the table and have everyone introduce themselves.”

After gazing around the room, in a way that reminds you of the Eye of Sauron, he casually stops at you. The physical reaction is immediate. Your heart starts pumping faster, and you feel how your face turns red. For what feels like an eternity, you sit there, paralyzed.

Until he smiles and says, “I can go first.”

Enter Glossophobia — Fear of Public Speaking

That used to be me. Everything from short introductions to speaking in front of a small group of people made my legs shake and hands tremble. Speaking in front of an audience was almost unthinkable. I was one of those who claim that they would rather take a bullet to the head than to do public speaking, and I meant it.

Luckily enough, I didn’t have to do a lot of that as a young software engineer. While I managed to do what was required of me in terms of holding training sessions and the odd…



Fredrik Holm
The Startup

Founder of Flowmine: Helping and inspiring entrepreneurs to take their business to the next level.