Nate Rutan
The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 7, 2020


How I Passed Shopify’s Automated App Submission Testing With Cookieless JWT Auth

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

After working hard on my first public Shopify app, following all the submission guidelines as close as possible, seeing the email with the subject line “Your app was rejected” only five minutes after submission was pretty deflating to say the least.

Now, this wasn’t my first app, I’ve been creating private e-commerce apps and integrations for years, but I’ve never submitted a public app to the Shopify App Store until now.

The app was a Node / React project, scaffolded with the Shopify CLI, using the CLI generated code for auth and billing.

I thoroughly tested the app on multiple dev stores with no issue, so the rejection message above caught me off guard. Surely an app created with Shopify generated code wouldn’t be rejected right?

Well, no, apparently. I went back and created an app from scratch using the Shopify CLI, but didn’t include any billing redirects. I thought this might at least start narrowing down the error messages and point me in the right direction.

Before I started writing any real production code back in 2012, I ran an IT support operation in Northern, CA with a bunch of clients. Back then I’d approach a problem like this with the same process, a kind of divide and conquer tactic. Start somewhere, make small measurable changes, check the…



Nate Rutan
The Startup

Entrepreneur // Software Engineer // Great Dane Enthusiast // Graduate of Fuller Seminary // Speed Reader Of Slow Speed // Tinkerer // Mediocre Skier