How I Read Smarter And Turn Knowledge Into Wisdom

Prakhar Verma
The Startup
Published in
9 min readApr 11, 2018


There are three kinds of people in the world:

  1. Those who read self-help and take action to make their lives or themselves better.
  2. Those who jump from one article to another making no changes in their lives.
  3. Those who don’t give a damn about self-improvement. They have no urge to click on clickbait self-help titles. Even if they somehow stumble upon such articles, they would read as if it is written in an alien language for an alien population.

This post is for people who are either in the first or second category. I used to be in the second category until I applied methods mentioned in the post.

I cover how I read and retain most important information in self-help materials (audio, video, text) and then how I make a system to apply what I learn.

Step 1: Hunting the articles

I have a system for finding the best articles to read. For that, I have unsubscribed and stopped reading from the places which are not making much impact in my life.

There are millions of articles published every day. The fear of missing out stays there but I have learned to let it go.

When I use websites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest…



Prakhar Verma
The Startup

Actualize your potential. Remember who you are. Be the best version of yourself: