How I turned my summer into a cryptocurrency investing course

Joe Robbins
The Startup
Published in
13 min readNov 20, 2017


Disclaimer: This is not investment advice, I am not an expert.

At the beginning of the summer I had a major issue.

I just accepted a new job and between the work hours, the commute, meals, and a workout I was left with at most an hour of free time a day during the work week.

This was a major problem because I’m a learning addict. I need to be mastering something outside of work or I start to stagnate. But an hour a day didn’t seem like it was going to be enough to get anywhere on any subject.

So I asked myself “How can I best leverage an hour a day?”

I did what I always do when faced with a tough problem, I made a list.

My scribblings about trying to figure out how to spend the summer

So which one did I pick?

I was leaning towards learning Spanish, but then I had three friends message me about cryptocurrency. All of them said this was something I needed to look into. After a half hour of reading about cryptocurrencies I knew I had found my project for the summer.

Diving in



Joe Robbins
The Startup

Serial experimenter and whatever my current obsession is