How I doubled my brain capacity for work

Your second brain can remember everything, don’t forget to use it.

Silas Mähner
The Startup


This is a case study on my decision to build a second brain in September 2019. In the case study, I discuss the idea behind it, how I execute the idea, and how it helps me to be more effective in both life and business ventures.

The course I took was called Building A Second Brain created by Tiago Forte.


What is a second brain?

…it is a comprehensive system by which you capture notes, review them…

The point of having a second brain is to use technology to our advantage rather than our disadvantage. In other words, the effective use of your technology.

So in a little more detail, it is a comprehensive system by which you capture notes, review them, And use them to help you produce value on a faster and more consistent basis. With this system, you can show future employers how you are more than just another employee. You are an employee with a personal database that will help you to be more productive.

What is the principle of it?

…to become a master of technology and information.



Silas Mähner
The Startup

ClimateTech Headhunter | Host - The CleanTechies Podcast | Amateur Futballer | Pizza Reviewer | Promoter of Catholics in Business