How I Use the SEO Avalanche Strategy To Grow New Sites

Also known as the ski slope method

Christopher Kokoski
The Startup


Snowy Mountainside — How I Use the SEO Avalanche Strategy To Grow New Sites
Image by the Author via Canva

I use the SEO Avalance Strategy to grow new websites from the ground up.

And I do this by myself without a team — I use software, tools, and this strategy.

So far, the SEO Avalanche Strategy has allowed me to grow four sites to a total of 127,000 pageviews per month. My fourth site just broke 1.4K pageviews per month this week.

This is the SEO Avalanche Strategy and how I do it.

What Is the SEO Avalanche Strategy?

The SEO Avalanche Strategy is a great way to get traffic to your website.

It’s a simple strategy: go after one hundred 0 volume and 0 competition keywords in your niche before moving up to higher volume and higher competition topics.

I borrowed the term from a blogger (his name escapes me).

The SEO Avalanche Strategy is especially helpful for highly competitive niches like health and fitness.

But it’s also very effective in any niche.

Here’s why.

Why Does This Work?

The SEO Avalanche Strategy works because it allows you to build up a large base of low-hanging fruit keywords that you can rank for easily.

“Even the largest avalanche is triggered by small things.” — Vernor Vinge

These keywords may not get a lot of traffic individually.

But they will add up over time. And you will find that your content ranks for dozens or hundreds of other keywords that you never imagined. Some of these 0 volume keywords will bring in hundreds of pageviews per month.

A few will bring in thousands.

Plus, once you’ve ranked for the low-hanging fruit keywords, you’ll have an easier time ranking for the more competitive keywords.

Google is innocently sitting at the bottom of the mountain like:

gif of big snowball rolling down a mountain toward the screen
GIf by the Author via Canva

How To Apply the SEO Avalanche Strategy

Here’s how to implement the SEO Avalanche Strategy:

  1. Start by making a list of one hundred 0 volume and 0 competition keywords in your niche. To find these keywords, you can use a tool like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, RankIQ, AnswerSocrates,, or Deap Market.
  2. It’s easier in a tool that allows you to filter by search volume and keyword difficulty.
  3. You want to primarily target 0 volume and 0 keyword difficulty. There will be way less competition and your work of writing and ranking will be much easier and faster.
  4. Once you have your list of keywords, group them into related clusters (i.e., keywords about roses, keywords about soil, keywords about protecting your garden, etc).
  5. Now, it’s time to plan your content strategy (see my 5 tips below).
  6. Finally, execute your content strategy and start creating content for each of your keywords.

You can write blog posts, create videos, or even just make social media posts about the topics. The important thing is to create quality content that will help you rank on Google.

5 Content Strategy Tips for 0 Volume Keywords

Here are 5 tips for planning and executing your content writing strategy around 0 volume keywords:

Tip #1: Don’t Underestimate the Power of Long-Tail Keywords

Low monthly search volume keywords can still be valuable to your business.

Long-tail keywords, which are 3 or more words in length, tend to be much less competitive and can be an easy way to get started with SEO.

And, since they’re specific, you’re more likely to rank for them.

For example, rather than targeting the keyword “dog food,” you could target the long-tail keyword “organic grain-free dog food for Labradoodle puppies.”

Tip #2: Create Blog Post Templates and Outlines

One way to make content creation for 0 volume keywords much easier is to create blog post templates and outlines.

Your outline can look as simple as:

  • Intro
  • Subheading 1
  • Subheading 2
  • Subheading 3
  • Subheading 4
  • Subheading 5
  • Conclusion

This way, you have a basic structure to follow each time you sit down to write. Not only will this save you time, but it will also help ensure that your posts are well-organized and informative.

Be sure that each of your subheadings relates directly to your main keyword, topic, and title.

Tip #3: Focus on Quality over Quantity

When it comes to 0 volume keywords, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity.

Google favors high-quality, informative content.

Rather than churning out a bunch of low-quality posts, take the time to write comprehensive, in-depth articles that will actually be helpful to your readers.


  • Tips
  • Resources
  • Examples
  • Personal experience
  • FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Tip #4: Write and Publish 1–2 (Or More) Per Day Until You Reach 100

This method is simple but effective.

Set a goal to write and publish 1–2 blog posts per day until you reach 100. This might seem like a lot, but if you break it down into manageable chunks, it’s really not that bad.

Plus, once you get into the habit of writing regularly, it will become much easier.

Not to mention, the more content you have on your site, the better your chances of ranking on Google.

As I’ve mentioned in some other articles, you can:

  • Use AI tools like Jasper,, or your favorite AI writers
  • Set up time-saving automation with Cheat Layer (not an affiliate link)
  • Use bulk content agencies like Rocket Content AI, WriterSonci, or
  • Outsource to a team of freelance writers

What do you do when you reach 100 posts? Do you stop? Do you kick your feet up and sip a Mai Tai on the beach?


You study your data to see which keywords are ranking, bringing you traffic, and making you money.

Then you write another 100 articles focused on your best-performing keywords.

Rinse and repeat.

This is what we call the SEO Avalanche Method, and it’s an incredibly effective way to quickly build topical authority and dominate your niche.

Use Google Sheets (or Another Tracking Tool) to Monitor Your Progress

Last but not least, it’s important to keep track of your progress as you’re creating content for 0 volume keywords.

I recommend using Google Sheets (or another tracking tool) to create a simple spreadsheet where you can track your progress.

At a minimum, I suggest tracking the following data points:

  • Keywords
  • Rankings
  • Monthly search volume
  • Topic Clusters
  • Revenue per page
  • RPM (Revenue per 1,000 views)

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind this strategy is not about traffic.

You’ll get some traffic but that’s not the main focus here. The goal is to start the avalanche of traffic and topical authority.

You’re standing at the top of the mountain. 🗻

It’s time to make it rain snow and ice.

“Historical change is like an avalanche. The starting point is a snow-covered mountainside that looks solid. All changes take place under the surface and are rather invisible.” — Norman Davies

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Christopher Kokoski
The Startup

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