How I Used a Product Management Process to Start a Yoga Business [Part 1]

Drew Teller
The Startup
Published in
14 min readSep 10, 2019


The purpose of this article to share my process and journey launching Lund Yoga Community — Sweden’s first sustainable donation-based yoga studio.

Specifically, the goal is to draw parallels of the software world of product management practices and creating a yoga business.

Not only will this article demonstrate growth, but its FULL INTENTION is to illustrate MY PROCESS in how I went about creating something from nothing.

I purposefully, intentionally, and consciously chose a Product Management process.

Why did I choose a PM process? It’s simple — I enjoy product management. Everything you read here was pragmatic, calculated, and strategically created. I will explain the steps I took to grow my company and the process behind every step — detailing the why.

You will read about my failures and my milestones. I hope you find this article helpful in understanding how I think, how I act, and most importantly, how I serve my customers’ needs.

Before I explain the tools and articles I used to guide my process of building Lund Yoga Community; I am fully aware that there are dozens of ways to go about doing a PM process. However, I purposefully used…

