How I Wrote a New Story Every Day for a Month (And What I Learned)

Tips from someone that used repetition as a key to success

Davon Massi
The Startup


When I put fingers to keyboard around the start of June this year, it wasn’t my intention to keep it up for a month. In fact, the thought didn’t even cross my mind. It’s only after a week of unprecedented consistency that I realised it was by far a new record for me. If a week was behind me already, it made some twisted kind of sense to shoot for a month and make it a thing.

Winging it at the start, a lot was learned along the way that will forever influence my method when writing. For most people, consistency in anything doesn’t come without tremendous work or self-control. I’ve found though, that you can build up the tools and knowledge to facilitate consistency and it will begin to come naturally. 30 days was enough for me and it can be for you.

Stockpile your ideas

Coming up with ideas is difficult, and many of us as humans only have spontaneous creativity at best. You’re like me if you have your best ideas in the shower, or right before sleep at night. Maybe you only have ‘good ideas’ when you’ve just eaten Thai food and it’s raining on the third Tuesday of the month.



Davon Massi
The Startup

Full-time designer and consultant, rest-of-the-time writer aiming to teach from experience. Get in touch: