How I’m Capturing & Empowering My Data with Notion
I’ve recently switched to Notion and I need to rave about how just setting this up has already changed the game. I can organize and keep consistency, all while making my data overall more actionable! This is how I’m doing it.
The Real Magic
I’ve used Google’s Sheets, AirTable, Evernote and have even had the blessing of a data scientist at my disposal for capturing data. Each proved to have some usefulness, but at best, it was a storage tool. After finding my lengthy research, each of these tools left it on me to sift through, sort and report back all of my findings. It gave me another step in the process I didn’t need and helped proved the ever-popular point of “we don’t have time to research”.
Enter Notion. The real magic in putting all your findings in Notion is the ability to sort, present and slice your findings into any way you need. That means all your participants could be sorted by personas. All the interviews could be sorted by stories they support. Even the ability to pull out trends we’ve found across whatever number of sessions that we’ve had then gives us superpowers tough to find in other data capture methods.