How is Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Digital Marketing?

Taras Svityk
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJan 11, 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) is science that deals with building intelligent machines that can think and respond like a human. It holds exceptional future opportunities in digital marketing. The impact of AI and machine learning goes far beyond the mundane. More and more, organizations are leaning on AI for cutting-edge applications with at least one of three overarching benefits.

As a business owner or marketer, it is time to identify the problems that your business is facing and how accurate insights can solve these issues. Gathering all the data spread across numerous applications into one place will help you get accurate insight.

Ways To Boost Your Digital Marketing Efforts By Using Artificial Intelligence

The following are some of the ways in which Artificial Intelligence immensely boost your digital marketing efforts.

  1. In Predicting the behavior of your customer

Use statistical scorecards like Propensity models to identify prospects that are more likely to respond to an offer. It correlates customer characteristics with anticipated behaviors. For AdWords professionals, it is crucial to use AI in which you define your target audience and campaign objectives and the tool automatically recommends strategies to achieve the desired goals.

Moreover, predictive analytics allows marketers to extract information from data and uses it to predict purchase trends and user behavior patterns. It will help you analyze large volumes of data so as to uncover the most impactful insights.

The following steps explain how it works:

  • Objective identification and data extraction: In this step, you need to identify the business objectives and analyze the available source data to determine patterns that match your needs. Thereafter, data is extracted to create models.
  • Model creation and validation: In this step, data mining is used to refine and select a final model. The models are validated based on the set goals.
  • Apply results and manage models: The final step is the application of the model results into business decisions and constantly refining the models for better outcomes.

2. In reducing load time by use of AMP

When you have AMP, its contents automatically shows up in priority placement areas like the News Carousel. Having an AMP page means that you increase your chances of ranking on the top three search results of Google.

3. In delivering a personalized experience to the user

With Artificial Intelligence, analyzation of data points has become easier. You can display personalized content and offers to each and every individual prospect by analyzing their location, device, past interaction, demographics, etc. You also have the power to automate e-mail marketing and send regular push notifications to the prospects based on the micro-moments or their current interaction with your business.

4. In unlocking new opportunities for marketers

In the market, audiences use the power of machine learning to better understand purchase intent. It analyzes trillions of search queries and activity across millions of websites to help figure out when people are close to buying and surface ads that will be more relevant and interesting to them.

5. In Scaling up content marketing

Artificial Intelligence is useful for data-focused content such as quarterly earnings reports, sports matches, and market data. AI-power tool called Acrolinx, which helps you produce great content with the only AI platform for enterprise content creation, regularly creates content for major brands like Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, Nestle, and Caterpillar.

The Applications of Artificial Intelligence into your Business Digital Marketing Today

In the olden days, marketers were somehow reluctant to incorporate Artificial intelligence (AI) in their digital marketing strategies. But now they have gained a lot more confidence in using AI since its ambiguity have been reduced with respect with the results it can provide. The AI tools kept evolving more and more reaching a point at which they are able to surpass humans in certain aspects to revolutionize the digital marketing.

Here are some of the carefully analyzed AI uses that will definitely revolutionize your digital market.

· Content generation and creation

Even though AI still can write its own blog post on the best or opinion on the best way to develop sales funnel and practical advice for specific industry, there are certain areas in which contents created by the AI can be useful and help attract visitors to your website. It helps to save your time and resources. For example, AI can already write reports and news based on data and information. Intelligent tools like Wordsmith, Articoolo, and Quill are already being used by the Associated Press and Forbes to create news, which leads to clicks on their websites.

· Online Searches

Online way of searching contents has changed, therefore, there is a need for marketers to create and optimize their web content. There have been two big AI advances: Revolutionized internet searches and search engine optimization. The voice search and Google’s algorithm, and RankBrain are the other AI advances. Others innovations that are widely used today include, Amazon Echo, Google Home, Apple’s Siri, and Microsoft’s Cortana make it easy for people to perform searches by just pressing a button or saying a voice command.

· Predictive Analysis

Coming up with high-quality content should be on the top of your list since it’s the only way you can hook viewers and please google at the same time. To produce quality content, you have to produce something absolutely unique, valuable and interesting.

· Use Chatbots

Chatbots makes the process of automating responses to business prospects’ frequently asked questions even easier by providing them with ways to search for product or service they are looking for. Chatbots have the ability to answer open questions. These bots use natural learning processing and machine learning to find the correct responses. To easily acquire a chatbot, you can use Facebook bot tools like, to train bots in example conversations and make them continually.

· Design a website

Without the help of a programmer or a designer, you can still have your website through the use of Grid, that uses AI to do the work for you based on the provided information like images, text, calls-to-action, etc. they can make the website look professional in much less time and at affordable price.

· Digital advertising

This is one of the areas that has most successfully adopted artificial intelligence. For example, Google ad platforms already use machine learning and AI to find people more prone to making the advertiser’s desired action. To achieve this, they analyze the user’s information, like what they like most, demographics, and other aspects to learn and detect the true business prospects.

Benefits of Using AI

Here are some of the ways artificial intelligence as a way of digitizing your market can benefit you.

1) Is very efficient

The more efficient your marketing efforts are, the more your company will grow. Efficient marketing equals more products and services purchased and that automatically increases revenue and company expansion.

2) Saves time

How much research have you done looking for the best methods, the best advice for your industry, new solutions and learning about the campaign success and failures of others? Using AI instead will undoubtedly save you a lot of valuable time you could be spending developing your business with your strategic skills.

3) Save money and no errors made

Using AI in the business leads to error-free results and since most of the work is done by the intelligent machines that can analyze and solve large volumes of data. By doing so, a lot of time is saved and money that could have otherwise been used to higher more employee or pay their overtime dues.

4) Help businesses achieve epic breakthroughs

AI and machine learning enable people to overcome those blind spots, working through areas that seemed impossible or where the dots didn’t quite connect. This is well achieved by AI through predicting defects before they happen. Breakthroughs are about seeing what people previously couldn’t achieve until AI got into the market.

With the birth of artificial intelligence, embracing its use will give you several benefits in your digital marketing strategy. AI is the new face of productivity, efficiency, and profitability. Making a decision to embark on a new era driven by AI is not meant to replace the jobs of marketers or advertisers. It is here to unleash their true strategic and creative potentials. As a business owner or marketer, it is time to identify the problems that your business or marketing campaign is facing and how accurate insights can solve these issues.

Gathering all the data spread across numerous applications into one place will help you to get accurate insights. Whether its dynamic price optimization or automatic selection of ad copy based on the user demographics, AI has the power to do it all. All you need to do is ask yourself what your most pressing needs are and AI can do the rest.

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Taras Svityk
The Startup

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